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目前状态: 不在线| 写信 | 用QQ联系家园主人241848365

  • 家园号:287221
  • 公司名称:
    [上海 ]


职位名称: 市场营运总监 职位类别: 市场总监
招聘人数 1人 职位性质 全职工作
工作经验: 不限 截止日期: 2010/4/30
薪资待遇: 面议 工作地区: 上海
联系人: mio E-mail: mioyoki@gmail.com
电话: 传真:
职位描述及要求 BCA是一家严格自我要求,不断自我超越的专业设计机构。整个团队通过细致的创意设计,和严谨的系统服务力争为客户带来最高规格的服务体验。在此基础之上,盟乐港(国际)设计工程真诚欢迎对设计领域充满追求,技术精湛的有志之士加入我们团队,为成为能够代表中国水品跻身世界顶尖设计机构的目标而一同努力。
BCA GROUP is a professional design company with strict self-requirements AND highly techniques. With our creative design AND precise systematical services, we will try our best to provide all of our clients the highest stANDard serving experience. On the base of that, BCA GROUP will welcome all the elites who is skillful, enthusiastic, well-experienced to join our group AND willing to pay effORt to reach our goal which is represent Chinese stANDard to become a member of wORld-class design companies.
We are looking fORward to your reply.
Tel: 52818151

Sincerely welcome that you can join us, we will open our doOR fOR all the design elites